On the blog again

by Laura on March 15, 2011

in Uncategorized

You know, I missed it.

I had a blog a while back that I posted to every weekday for four years. Four years, 2005–2008, no days off, no vacations. (Okay, some holidays off.) What was I thinking? It was a huge commitment. But I had a nice little following of cool people from around the world, and I got to say what was on my mind.

Then, my focused changed. That is to say, I upended my life, sold my house, traveled Europe and Mexico, and moved from New England to SoCal—so, I must confess, the blog sputtered itself out.

Now, three years later, I’m back, with a new focus, a new message, and new things to say. This’ll be fun, and I hope you’ll join me.

  • I’m now out in Los Angeles, and am the owner of the editing business www.thinkStory.biz. Most of my work is with self-published/indie authors. I’ll blog in here about this new form of publishing, which is allowing so many amazing authors to have a voice.
  • My novel, While Rome Burns, which I’ve been working on for the last three years, will be launching this summer (probably!). I’ll be telling the story of my self-publishing journey here, along with giving tidbits about the book itself.
  • I’ll also post ideas for writers, both links to other such blogs and stuff about my own process and tips for turning out stronger writing.
  • And, there will probably be the random book and movie review, since I have my nose pointed to one or the other almost every moment I’m not writing or editing (or having a life).

It’s great to be back. Please feel free to send along any feedback via email to contact (at) Laura-Matthews.com, or use the comments below.

See you online!


Moppo March 17, 2011 at 8:22 pm

Love the new novel title. Welcome back ton the blogosphere.

Susan Weiner, CFA March 16, 2011 at 3:39 am

Congratulations on launching your blog, Laura!

Deb M March 16, 2011 at 3:22 am

Nice timing, Mistress of the Ides! And lovely blog. Looking forward to the gems that fall from your incredible, creative cranium.

RobynBradley March 15, 2011 at 2:23 pm

Welcome back, Laura. I look forward to following your blog, you cool woman, you! :)

DawnSwann March 15, 2011 at 1:01 pm

So happy you are back laura (bot)!! I’m excited to see what’s to come.

Steve T March 15, 2011 at 12:53 pm

Congrats on the new blog, Laura. Looking forward to reading it!

LifesizeLD March 15, 2011 at 12:12 pm

Awesome!! Welcome back!

If you blog half as well as you photograph (and tweet), this is going to be good!!

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